
Schön, dich kennen­zulernen.

Nice to meet you.

We are an Austrian design agency specializing in the development of unique brand identities. Our philosophy is to see brands as unpolished diamonds, waiting to be discovered, refined, and brought to brilliance.

Wir sind eine österreichische Design-Agentur, die sich auf die Entwicklung einzigartiger Markenidentitäten spezialisiert hat. Unsere Philosophie liegt darin, Marken als Rohdiamanten zu betrachten, die nur darauf warten, entdeckt, geschliffen und zum Strahlen gebracht zu werden.

We are your personal SATO — assistant and guide on your brand journey.

Born from the Japanese word “Sato” (meaning assistant and helper), we are your trusted partner on the path to a successful brand.

Together with our clients, we uncover the unique brilliance of their businesses and transform it into visual identities that are not only visually compelling but also emotionally resonant. We bring stories to life, shaping brands that stand for values and endure the test of time.


Teresa Sposato, Bakk. MA

Designer and Owner

Teresa Sposato is a designer, author, and lecturer in Design and Design Thinking—and above all—a creative problem solver. With a rich blend of practical experience and academic expertise in business, design, and didactics, she’s been turning ideas into impactful solutions for her clients since 2010.

Education and Training

Master’s Degree in “Communication, Knowledge, Media”
Graduated with distinction
Master’s Thesis: “Visual Design Methods in Design Thinking”
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg Campus

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with a focus on Marketing & Media Management
University of Klagenfurt

Certificate in Graphic Design with Digital Tools
Graduated with honors
Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland, USA

Certified Program in University Didactics
University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten

TDi Short Course in Typeface Design
Department of Typography & Graphic Communication, University of Reading, UK

Program in Media Illustration
Certified by Design Austria, illuskills, Vienna


Ars Docendi – Austrian State Prize for Excellent Teaching in the category of Cooperative Teaching and Work Practices


Freudenthaler-Mayrhofer, D. & Sposato, T. (2017). Corporate Design Thinking – How Companies Successfully Design Their Innovations. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Anna Sposato, Bakk.phil.

Project and Marketing Manager

Anna ist Projekt- und Marketingmanagerin mit Fokus auf Kundenkommunikation. Ihre Passion liegt darin, die Zusammenarbeit mit Kund:innen übersichtlich zu gestalten, um einen reibungslosen Projektablauf sicherzustellen. Durch Annas genaue und strukturierte Arbeitsweise, gepaart mit ihrer empathischen und offenen Art, wird jedes Projekt zu einer Erfolgsgeschichte.

Education and Training

Master’s Program in Media, Communication & Culture, AAU Klagenfurt (Expected Graduation: 2025)

Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Vienna

Diploma Program in Graphic Design, WIFI Carinthia

Digital Marketing & Sales, KWF Supplier Development Program

Barista Training, Berlin School of Coffee


Oliver Königstedt, BA

Content Creation and Design

Oliver is a passionate multimedia all-rounder. He loves creating media content that leaves a lasting impression. His core competencies include not only the conception and creation of content in the form of texts, photos, and videos, but also the design of suitable visual products.

Education and Training

Master’s Degree in Digital Design with a focus on Graphic Design, University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten (Expected Graduation: October 2024)

Bachelor’s Degree in Content Production & Digital Media Management, University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication, Vienna

Dipl.-Ing. Lena Kernstock, BSc

Creative Direction and Design

Lena is a certified designer and serves as the creative lead in our projects. She sets the direction and develops processes, while also shaping user experiences and designing visual products. Driven by our clients’ needs, Lena conceptualizes holistic and sustainable projects and implements them with a focus on the target audience.

Education and Training

Certificate Program: Certified Professional for UX-Development (ISO 9241-210)

Master’s Degree in Digital Design with a focus on Graphic Design, University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten

Bachelor’s Degree in Media Technology, University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten


Recognition Award from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research for the Master’s Thesis: “Human-Decentred Design – A Design Process for Individual, Societal, and Environmental Well-Being”


Our Contribution to the World of Design

Seeds Designinstitut

Shaping the Designers of Tomorrow

Founded in 2010 by Teresa Sposato and Stefanie Mayrwöger, the Seeds Design Institute is dedicated to educating the next generation of graphic designers who aspire to create with professionalism, sustainability, and a commitment to ethical design practices. The institute collaborates with educational partners to enrich design programs with 21st-century methodologies and an awareness of sustainable entrepreneurship. Additionally, the Seeds Design Institute team conducts research and shares its knowledge to foster an economy that respects the planet and prioritizes people.

Corporate Design Thinking

How Companies Successfully Shape Their Innovations

Co-authored by Teresa Sposato, this book bridges the gap in existing Design Thinking literature and reveals how companies can truly embrace Design Thinking to successfully implement innovation projects. It centers around three key areas: people, internal organizational culture, and the external business environment.

Rooted in Austria, making waves around the world.

With designers based in Carinthia, Lower Austria, and Vienna, we’re deeply rooted in Austria—yet our projects take us far beyond the country’s borders. From Vienna to Los Angeles, we craft and support brands, helping them shine brightly. While we primarily focus on digital collaboration, we’re always happy to meet in person. Whether it’s a virtual call or a coffee chat, we’re your dedicated partner, ready to connect however you prefer.

Enough about us. Now, let’s hear your story.

Share your ideas with us or book a free consultation via ZOOM to get started right away.

Anna und Teresa